Table of Contents

CoreELEC build-system

The CoreELEC “build-system” simplifies the complex task of cross-compiling hundreds of inter-dependent source packages into a working CoreELEC image with a few simple commands.



Prior to building CoreELEC, ensure the build environment is up to date

sudo apt update

The build-essential meta-package contains everything required for compiling basic software written in C and C++, while the git tool is needed to obtain the CoreELEC sources.

sudo apt install build-essential git python3

For those who don't want to install build-essentials or preserve space, the bare minimum tools required for building CoreELEC are: make, gcc and git

sudo apt install make gcc git python3

Obtaining the Sources

From a terminal, use the git command to obtain the CoreELEC sources from Github. This requires about 350 MB of free space.

cd ~
git clone
cd CoreELEC

Switching between versions

The git checkout command is used to switch between branches in a repository.

It checks the branches and updates the files in the working directory to match the version already available in that branch.

Selecting CoreELEC 19.x -ng

Ensure to be in the CoreELEC folder.

git checkout coreelec-19

To switch to an older build, specify the build tag eq: git checkout 19.2-Matrix_rc2

Building CoreELEC 19.x -ng

make image

The build file will be located in ~/CoreELEC/target/

NOTE: The above steps can also be used to select (and build) CoreELEC 20 by replacing coreelec-19 with coreelec-20.

For coreelec-20 there are two devices. Default one is amlogic-ne (new era with Linux 5.4). To build Amlogic-ng DEVICE=Amlogic-ng must be used like

DEVICE=Amlogic-ng make

Selecting CoreELEC 9.2.x Legacy

Ensure to be in the CoreELEC folder.

git checkout coreelec-9.2

To switch to an older build, specify the build tag eq: git checkout 9.2.5

Building CoreELEC 9.2.x Legacy

PROJECT=Amlogic-ng make


PROJECT=Amlogic make
PROJECT=Amlogic-ng make image


PROJECT=Amlogic make image

The build file will be located in ~/CoreELEC/target/

Building addons

To build the corresponding addons

Ensure to be in the CoreELEC folder

./scripts/create_addon addon_name

The build file(s) will be located in ~/CoreELEC/target/addons/

Removing the sources

cd ~
rm -rf CoreELEC

Building with docker

To build CoreELEC in a docker container, please follow these instructions.

WSL2 PATH variable

WSL2 users should be aware the PATH environment variable needs to be set manually.

By default, WSL includes Windows path names the PATH variable. This can cause the CoreELEC build to fail. To prevent this from happening, 2 solutions are available:

Temporary solution

Prior to starting the build enter:

export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/lib/wsl/lib

Permanent solution

Create an advanced configuration settings file called wsl.conf with following content:

# Setting this key to 'True', or removing this entry, will add Windows path elements to the $PATH environment variable.

save the file to the \etc folder of the Ubuntu VM

eq: \\wsl$\Ubuntu\etc

exit WSL & wait at least 8 seconds before relaunching.

More information can be found here


WSL is maintained by and supported by Team Microsoft.