Table of Contents

How to SSH into CoreELEC

CoreELEC comes with an SSH (Secure Socket Shell) server. In addition to providing strong encryption, SSH is widely used to manage systems and applications remotely, deliver software patches, execute commands or move files.

Factory default software configurations for embedded systems, devices, and appliances often include simple, publicly documented passwords. Attackers can easily identify and access internet-connected systems that share these default passwords.

CoreELEC comes by default with SSH disabled.

Enabling SSH without changing the default username and password may leave the system vulnerable.

It is imperative to change default passwords and restrict network access to all systems.

Enable SSH Server

Manually enable SSH Server

SSH Client Information

The following information is required when using an SSH Client:

SSH Port The default SSH server port is 22
Username The default username is root
Password The default password is coreelec :!:
IP Address The device IP Address is listed under Connections

:!: For security reasons, it is imperative to change default manufacturer passwords.

Connecting to CoreELEC

Depending on the Operating System of the Client Computer, different SSH clients are used.

SSH Tool Linux Mac Windows
Terminal X X

Linux & Mac


ssh root@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:EJ619NYKeNXoaiGYyJ8y1uITTvLQOdkSNwg9ODjUsFc.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?yes

Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@'s password:
#                  CoreELEC                  #
#              #

CoreELEC (community): 19.4-Matrix_devel_20211223144345 (Amlogic-ng.arm)
CoreELEC:~ #

