ceemmc can be used to install CoreELEC on internal eMMC in two different modes
Dual boot mode installation
Android is still bootable and can be entered by the CoreELEC shut down menu item: Reboot from eMMC/NAND
If CoreELEC is installed in dual boot mode it can be removed from the internal eMMC. On removal the device will be restored like it was prior to the CoreELEC installation.
The disadvantage is that not all storage of the internal eMMC can be used. Around 5GB of internal storage is lost in this mode because of the Android partition layout. The amount of lost storage depends on vendor/device.
Single boot mode installation
Android is removed and only CoreELEC can be booted from internal eMMC
This type of installation will allow the maximum amount of the storage available from eMMC to be used. Only ~64MB is lost because of the bootloader.
The disadvantage is that CoreELEC can not be removed like in dual boot mode. Since the firmware was overwritten, the device needs to be restored with vendor firmware.
The vendor bootloader remains untouched in both installation modes